I started my fitness plan about mid April 2020. Yes, right when the world start to shut down due to COVID-19. Work hours were going to be reduced and the boss suggested we take advantage of it. Being an essential employee and still having to drive to the office, I did what he said.

Work hours changed from 8-5 to 10-3 and I made the plan to start working out every morning with the hopes that a routine was created before hours went back to 8-5.

I already owed equipment to use so I was all set to go. I have:

  • Set of 5 lb dumbbells
  • Set of 8 lb dumbbells
  • 15 lb kettlebell
  • A 5 lb weighted ball
  • Yoga mat, two blocks, strap
  • 1 set of gloves
  • 1 fitness log book

Our home gym also consists of a rowing machine, steps, Bowflex stepper and weight bench with weights. I do not use these very often but my husband does.

Sets and Reps

I started my sets and reps out low – 1 set, 10 reps. I use that for each new workout I add to my routine. Each week, I increase sets and reps.


Please feel free to reach out to me sue@suewrites.org with any questions about my workouts or who I follow on Instagram.