Are you an HSP, Empath or both?  If you are not sure what an HSP is, it stands for highly sensitive person.  So let’s break them down into more detail.   This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost…

Migraines and PMS

Migraines are the worst!  I get them every month right along with good ole’ PMS.  Nothing I take helps whether it is over the counter or an essential oil roller – doesn’t work.  I fight through it and even go to work.  I am not one who will miss work from a headache of any…

Stress & Your Health

Chiropractor Visit In early 2019, I made a trip to my chiropractor as usual.  We discussed random things about life.  I had mentioned that I was tired a lot and couldn’t lose weight.  He mentioned seeing a hormone doctor since he knew I was about the same age (I am 48 and not afraid to…