Are you having trouble with your motivation?

Picture of the word motivation in a cloud with a loading bar.

Motivation to workout every day can be daunting.  I have started and stopped working out due to lack of motivation many times and this time I am happy to say that I have stayed at it for 2 months now.

How did I keep myself motivated?  I made a plan and wrote it down.  I purchased a fitness log on Amazon and wrote all the workouts, dates, and even the start and end times of my workouts.  Getting out of bed is always a difficult task when you are trying to stay motivated and you are just too tired.

Many times I lay in bed thinking that I could just skip this one workout and go right back to it.  I still do this, but I manage to talk myself out of that and get up.  My best motivator is myself. 

Click here to read about the workouts I do daily in case you need somewhere to start.

Woman holding a hand held mirror looking into it while a larger mirror is to her left showing her profile.

I don’t like looking in the mirror and seeing untoned muscles and undefined abs.  I want to look at myself in that mirror and be happy with what I see.  Remember, men and others don’t see you as you see yourself. 

List of Ways to Stay Motivated

Here is a list of ways to help you stay motivated working out at home.  I am sharing with you this list from Table for Two.

Why I workout at Home + Tips on Staying Motivated by Julie Wampler

  1.  Set up a calendar/schedule with workouts for each day that you want to do.
  2.   Make yourself adhere to that schedule. No excuses! You took the time to create the schedule…so go actually do it.
  3. Block off time in your real life/work calendar. If you don’t block out time, you’ll never make time to work out. You’ll just end up doing the other thing.
  4. Make time. 30 minutes is 2% of your entire day. If you can watch a Netflix show for 30 minutes, you can workout for 30 minutes.
  5. Create a dedicated space to workout. Kind of like having a home office; make space for you to workout so you’ll enjoy going in there. If it’s amongst cluttered things, you will less likely want to go in. Additionally, just because you live in an apartment or small place doesn’t mean you can’t do these workouts. Within every workout, they have modifications for these very things!
  6. Stop with your excuses. I honestly believe anyone can do anything if they set their minds to it. I challenge you to give working out at home for 45 days. If you absolutely hate it or cannot do it, then stop. But it’s seriously one of the most invigorating things once you’ve got your groove on.
  7. Do it with a group friends. Meaning, create a small group and make each other accountable. Share what workout you are doing that day or are going to be doing. Ask if everyone has done their workouts, etc.
  8. Push yourself. Part of the problem with working out at home is that you have no one there to actually push you harder so you might just half-ass it. If you make it a point to lift heavier, push yourself, and also have clean form…then you’ll definitely see results. I know it’s easier than that sounds but I’ve actually been able to lift heavier because I pushed myself and I’m gaining strength! A good check that Kelli always says is, “if by the end of one set you think it’s easy then you’re either lifting too little or not pushing yourself.”

The Hardest Part

The hardest part of motivation is finding it.  It doesn’t just appear one day.  You have to create it.  Like me, I have to push myself everyday to ensure I do a workout.  I remind myself how I feel after a workout and how I will reach my fitness goals by keeping myself going.  

That mirror image of yourself will always be there but one day you can look in that mirror and stick your tongue out at the reflection.  I try to at least once a week just to show that reflection that I am not giving up.

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